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21.06.2005 Tuesday afternoon @ 3:13 p.m.
*A holiday from holidays*

After what seemed an eternity of being Internet-less, I am now surfing and typing away like nobody's business, in the comfort of the air-conditioned staff room in school.

Yes, you read that right. I am in school but no sir, I am not doing work. I am saving all that work for Thursday and Friday, when I have to return to school yet again for some idiotic last-minute skipping session. Blah. Yawn.

Anyhow, I have resigned to the fact that perhaps it is time to let go of my not-so-old-and-not-so-new machine at home and just purchase another one, one that is fully-equipped with whatchamacallits. Why? So that I don't have to bother my friends to help me (the computer idiot) install whatever shit that's needed on the PC. Let's face it, I AM an idiot. Once an idiot, always an idiot. Hah! So yes, perhaps it's time for another "investment", so that at least the broadband bill that I pay every month doesn't go to waste.

I'm in a much lighter mood than usual, because I guess...I'm looking forward to seeing the new school term again. Don't get me wrong. It's not so much of the work that I'm anticipating, but the kids. Truth be told, I miss my kids. Granted, they're not really mine but who cares? They're under my care 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, I love them just like their parents love them. We just want what's best for them.

I've realised long ago that teaching isn't going to be a bed of roses, and that there will always be difficult and challenging situations to handle, but I can't imagine myself doing any other job other than teaching. (Okay, maybe I don't mind being a professional idler but there's no such job lah.) I'd love to just teach minus the shit, it makes the job all the more rewarding. But yeah, as usual, I'm just dreaming on my bubble cloud.

A friend of mine once remarked: "You've spent so many years studying in school, and now that you're an adult, you're going back to school!" Heh, in a way he's right. My life seems to revolve around school. If 10 years ago I was worried about the impending amount of homework that I had to complete, now I'm stressed up by the impending amount of homework that I have to mark! Hurhur, life is an irony.

My kids think it's very easy being a teacher. They think that once I'm done with their class, I can relax for the rest of the day. Oh, they are so wrong. They don't know that I have other classes to teach and CCA to conduct besides tons of admin stuff. Haha, the naive little imps.

I have to admit though, that it's a challenging job, with a lot of trials and tribulations, but at least I enjoy my time with the kids. That's what drives me to work every day. The thought of seeing the tiny monsters bustling about in the classroom, distributing books, reading stories, playing with puzzles etc. They make my days a whole lot more bearable.

Of course, how can I forget the people whom I work with on a professional basis? The few whom I'm able to share a joke or two with, they make a difference too. It comforts me that if I ever break down in school *again*, there's always a shoulder that I can cry on, and I'm grateful for that. Sharing and relating problems relieves a bit of the burden on one's shoulders.

Which now leads me to this: I'm also thankful for the few people outside of work who are so tolerant of my nonsensical ways. I don't have many friends, and the few that I have, I truly treasure. It's very gratifying to know that they care despite being busy with their own lives. So thank you. :-)

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This is a mighty long update isn't it? Well, it ought to make up for the frequent absences. I mean, if you actually read this page because you want an update of my life, you got it.

Now, I never said that I actually write down all the events that I go through every freaking single day. That would bore the death of the few people who actually read me. But well, you'd get glimpses of my thoughts, feelings and other significant events that take place.

Like this one, for instance. I've been attending weddings for the past few months or so, and somehow, I am now slowly envisioning my own wedding a few years down the road. It doesn't mean that I am so hard-up to get married, there's a difference. (Although the boyfriend thought otherwise about a week back, heheh. Sorry about that! :-p) Reading about people getting married and preparing their own weddings has also helped me to foresee the kind of wedding that I prefer: the low-key, fuss-free, cost-saving affair.

I told him my vision, a simple wedding with family and a few close friends. I don't need 500 guests whom I don't know and have never talked to. Maybe between 50-100 people. How's that for guests eh? That's what invitation cards are all about.

The talk that we had last night more or less paved the way for near-future possibilities. Getting engaged (only as a formality), applying for a flat, getting married, paying for renovations etc. :-)

Somehow, after talking it through and calculating our savings, it seemed more real. That we are indeed going somewhere and not just anywhere with this relationship. I mean, it does seem very conventional and straight you know? Boy meets girl, they fall in love, have jobs, get married and build a family. But hey, it doesn't mean that everyone's cut out for it. I never thought of myself as a potential wife even though previous boyfriends put that idea in my head with promises and sweet nothings. It merely seemed a cliche, something that everyone says when they're in relationships but rarely do mean.

Oh well, I think I've written enough for one update. It's been an hour plus invested in this entry and it's high time I started on some work. *checks watch* What do you know, it's 5 pm already. Time to knock off! ;-)

I'll see ya when I see ya then.

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