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21.04.2008 Monday morning @ 1:18 a.m.
*Warning: NSFW!*

My sister-in-law introduced me to this manga a few months back. I'd known about it even before she did so but wasn't really bothered about it at that point in time due to the fact that I was more interested in watching animes than reading mangas.

However, I discovered that the anime has just started (two episodes out already) and of course, being curious and unsatisfied, I decided to read more of the plot to get myself better acquainted with the characters. And boy, I wasn't disappointed! I started on Volume 1 yesterday night and I just finished Volume 38 a few minutes ago (the manga currently is at this volume; more to come surely).

Yes, I am THAT fanatic.

Anyhow, the anime only has 26 episodes, so it'll be interesting to note the ending, especially since the manga still has a long way to go (hopefully). Dang, Kiryuu Zero is such a hottie! (Don't worry Renji baby, you're still my number 1 smexy! *wink*)

Heh. A little obsession in cartoon characters is healthy, no? At least, it keeps me coming back to my dearest Big Ben. ;-)

. . .

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