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28.04.2002 Sunday afternoon @ 5:41 p.m.
*Emotionally in chains...*

All mighty thanks to all those who have made my birthday memorable.

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I felt as if I turned 20 on the 26th instead of 27. Simply because I went out on the 26th to have a rawking good time with some of my pals. Not all of them could make it due to inexplicable reasons but then they were sweet and nice enough to send a huge box of brownie-cake to my house via Personal FrenDex. Imagine the surprise when I stepped into the room and there it was, sitting on my dresser. And now it's half-attacked.

In any case, I'd like to make a public announcement. To Azila, Hairul and Huda, thank you for making 26th such a memorable day. I didn't expect them to come down but they did. Only got to know about it at Huda's when I was there for prayers. Apparently, Huda wanted to take me to a place that I wanted to go to when I first knew Hairul. She really kept me guessing until he spilled the beans unintentionally, har har. Then she went like, "Alah...Hairul!!" Aw.

We met up with Azila and then walked to our destination: Lau Pa Sat. Man, been ages since I've been there. I had my craving half-fulfilled: chicken mee pok with wanton. The other 2 gerls ordered food and drinkies and I just couldn't resist especially the lemon chicken and the sotong char kwey. But the latter was too keras to eat cos it was thick and I had to chew and there was some problem with chewing. By the end of one fritter my mouth et jaw felt like dropping to the ground.

Azila and Hairul also did the honours of feeding me with food. Yes, you heard it right, I said feeding. They fed me. I didn't mind Azila feeding me but when the pakcik tried to do it, I just stretched my neck further from him as I was sitting facing him. But no, he persisted! He had to because the other two were adamant that he should do it. So I took a deep breath, shut my left eye and gulp. And v�ila, t'was done. =p

After dinner, we walked all the way to the Penin area. Yes, again, you heard me, we walked. It was okay cos although it was 9++ we managed to catch the shop before it closed. Not bad. Still open. I searched for the Kappa top but it wasn't there. No more special discount rate. I was gutted.

That was, until Azila called me over. Apparently it was hidden between some other long-sleeves and it was the only one left. I said, "I'LL TAKE IT!!!" *evil grin* And yes, terima kasih makcik kerana telah membelikan aku baju tu dan menemankan aku balik rumah.

I'm just wondering whether Huda reached home first...?

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Norrah bought me a chocolate cheesecake from Coffee Bean. Darn. She insisted so I accepted. =p Rezeki jangan ditolak. All the same, thank you Norrah for the cake. I attacked it as soon as I got home. =p

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Here's a problem. Can you solve it?

A and B are at loggerheads. A is mad at B for some reason unknown. C, D and E want to ease the situation but it is not possible for a heart-to-heart talk when both A and B refuse to meet and talk. What should C, D and E do?

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