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04.03.2003 Tuesday afternoon @ 4:25 p.m.
*Friend in need*

Accompanied Huda to the airport and I think my absentmindedness was at its peak in the train.

Seriously, I forget what people tell me even when I'd been listening to them intently and nodding my head along. Tsk.

Time for a check-up?

. . .

I was happily sorting out handouts at 1++ in the morning when I received an sms.

"Su, peace be upon you. Are you asleep yet? Need someone to talk to but don't know where to turn. Left or right?"

Was so tempted to reply, "Up."


A friend in distress is still a friend in distress. I didn't mind listening.

But what happens when Aunt Agony is in agony?

. . .

"A friend in need's a friend indeed. A friend who'll tease is better. Our thoughts compressed which makes us blessed, and makes for stormy weather.."

. . .

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