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08.03.2003 Saturday morning @ 2:35 a.m.
*More dreams*

I had a dream that he called me. A certain someone who reads this journal of mine. Someone who hasn't called for ages and probably will never again do so.

It was rather weird actually. I was watching TV (in the dream) and then the phone rang. It was him. He said, "Hallo. Do you still remember me?" And I was faintly surprised. It was like the first time when he called and I didn't recognise the voice, haha. I had to ask, "Who is this?" Ehee..

I can't remember what it was he wanted in the dream. But somehow our conversation was cut short and then I was in a daze (as always). I didn't know what to do for a whole hour (I think). Then I decided to just call him up and ask him what he had wanted to say before the line cut him.

His brother picked up the phone, handed it to him (and in the background I could hear smirks and wolf whistles) and then I heard his voice. I asked him what it was that he had wanted to say.

Before he could say it, I woke up.


. . .

Now I'll never know.

. . .

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