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09.03.2003 Sunday morning @ 2:43 a.m.
*Sudden Flash*

I just had a deja vu. So real and yet so unreal.

I suppose I had better explain a little bit. This actually concerns a little group that I had just entered. Some sort of a virtual poetry abode, managed by a certain Mr A. (Goodness Zul, you just inspired me to use these letter-codes! But, digress not.) Mr A has written many a good poem and posted them there. The member list is limited and it seems no one actually responds to the posts. Wonder why they joined in the first place?

But moving on, the creative juices just flowed for a moment so I decided to post something up. After which I was reading some other posts by Mr A and then it came. Just a sort of flash. And I knew it was a deja vu. It all seemed so familiar!

So there. Just wanted to get this off my chest. And isn't a blessing I'm not writing long entries for I will bore you, if I might say so myself? Oh well, I bore even myself.

And just for the record, I was actually in love with Mr Chou and the book that I'm re-reading (*Note: Ramli Awang Murshid's "A.D.A.M.").

Just for the record. *grin*

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