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19.03.2003 Wednesday night @ 11:08 p.m.
*Punctuality! Thou art missed!*

Pale morning lights

awaken the unaware

caught, stopped, frozen,

on track with the surroundings.

Haste makes up speed

slowing down a moment

daydreams entertain

unprepared, unmotivated.

When time chases by

reality sinks in

mashing brains in ice

melting the fake senses.

A heavy heart feels pain

witnessing greens and reds

only silver compensates

the unfortunate soul aghast.

Crimson carpet entrance

in mock grandeur and grace

falls short of company

and reveals hollow emptiness.

Final destination is reached,

caught up with and grasped

but no danger awaits,

only a calm serene gruzzly face.

. . .

Something I wrote and posted after last Saturday morning's event. Or class rather.


. . .

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