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08.04.2003 Tuesday night @ 9:44 p.m.
*Tuesday Ten*

I've been thinking, why can't there be a Tuesday Five? Why Friday Five? Or how about a Saturday Six? Or any other day that can be suited with a number that starts from the same letter? Oh jibes, I want to make up my own Tuesday Ten.

1. What did you eat today?

2. How was your sleep last night?

3. Describe your mood at this moment in time.

4. Who were the last 3 people who pissed you off and why?

5. Did you feel like bashing anyone's head for the day and why?

6. Who is the person whom you wish to see right now and why?

7. If you could change something in the course of the day's events, what would it have been?

8. What did you feel that you had accomplished for the day?

9. Say something nice about yourself in one sentence.

10. What do you wish for tomorrow?

There you go. My own Tuesday Ten. Wahahah. Feel free to fill in if you're interested. I'm just bored. You can always write them out on Notepad or something. *grin*

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I miss Freeky.

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