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12.04.2003 Saturday night @ 11:54 p.m.
*By chance...?*

The ECE test wasn't too bad, alhamdulillah. Even though the LT was in semi-darkness for half an hour and we were given half-an-hour extra, we still managed to finish the test in good time. At three o'clock on the dot, I left the LT feeling slightly annoyed and dazed. Annoyed 'cos I had to be in school on a Saturday afternoon doing a test and dazed 'cos I had been under the impression that it was still Friday. Bah.

Anyway, Limah asked Huda and me out to a late-lunch-cum-early-dinner-thingy through an sms. We met @ Bugis around 5 and settled for Amiran's. It was my first time there for a proper meal, truthfully speaking. And I saw Maya there. *wave* Hello! :P We didn't speak really, just sms-ed each other. So funny, but blame it on me yah, 'cos I was too shy to say "hi" up close and personal.

In any case, Huda and me soon parted ways with Limah and made our way to Tampines, Simei and Bedok (in that order). We rented VCDs and I swear I'm going to drool at Mr Bass. Sigh. He looks good in dark hair with blonde streaks.

Oh well, I suppose another layout wouldn't hurt. *wink*


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