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01.09.2003 Monday night @ 10:30 p.m.
*I'm a rude rude bitch*

Today I was forced to be a rude bitch.

The day started out quite nicely, save for the fact that I was late for my 8.30am test. Thank God I'd actually read the notes the night before (do you count 3am as "the night before"?) and in the train on the way to school. But I sidetrack once again 'cos this isn't what I'd wanted to write about.

Having been up the night before and getting only about 3 hours of sleep makes me a very cranky girl. Okay, not quite cranky most of the time but I'm getting there. I'd usually shut up most of the time due to sleepiness. And me being sleepy will somehow bring about repercussions to those who get in my way of wanting to reach home quick. Like today. At the interchange.

A Malay man stopped me in my tracks (don't you realise they almost always prey on the people of the same race and not those from other races?), saying that he was a volunteer with some organisation blah blah blah. He was presumably trying to get me to (a) make a donation out of the goodness of my heart, (b) subscribe to some Malay organisation as a member which would then allow me the privilege of shopping at certain Malay-owned shops at discounts or (c) slow down from reaching home to my warm comfy couch as he probably had been sent by some evil agency to thwart my plan. I didn't catch the rest of his sentence though, 'cos I was sms-ing as I was walking. I actually apologised (for refusing to listen further)and tried to make a sharp getaway.

However, another gundu from the same organisation, not far away from where the earlier chap was, actually stopped me even though he was the star witness to the encounter I'd just mentioned. Again, he's a volunteer with some organisation blah blah blah and as I'd already heard that same speech, I decided to be rude.

"I know (that you're a volunteer)!"

And I dismissed him with a fling of my hand, like a Royal Queen Bitch.

I never looked up at their faces, come to think of it. :p


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