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13.05.2004 Thursday night @ 11:43 p.m.
*Pick a pocket of...?*

Mobile phone. A device used to call, send text or multi-media messages, play games, send email and listen to the radio, among other functions. Of course, a phone which has that many functions would certainly cost a bomb, depending on the brand, season, target audience etc.

I would never purchase a phone like that because I, in my dad's own words, am "lokek" or stingy. A tightwad. I don't believe in spending too much money changing phones whenever the latest model comes out. (This isn't a personal attack on anyone, just my own belief.) I don't have the means to do so very often and I get too attached to a phone once I've been using it for some time. Didn't even buy my first phone, a blue Nokia 8210. It was dad's old phone, which was bestowed upon me at the time as a cousin of mine had kindly given her old SIM card. Man, I love hand-me-downs. *snigger*

It was only after the words on the screen started inverting and disappearing several times that I contemplated purchasing a new phone. I soon did, one fine day in January this year. I think it's an even older model than the first phone. It was a Nokia 2100, still blue in colour. A very durable phone. I've flung it twice and it still functioned. Note the tense, function-ed.

Which means, I have a new phone now. Why? 'Cos some freaking, fucken, idiotic bitch pickpocketed my phone, that's why.

The bitch. I hope you rot in hell.

. . .

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