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25.06.2004 Friday afternoon @ 4:15 p.m.

What happens when you're working and too busy to cook? What happens when there's no one to cook dinner? What happens when there isn't enough moolah to go round? What happens when you don't have ample resources to do your work efficiently? What happens when you're sandwiched between people and relationships? What happens when you actually don't give a frigging fuck?

I'm actually quite sick of being in a dilemma. Many dilemmas. Sometimes I wish I can just run away to a place where nobody knows me and I don't know anyone. So I don't have to feel guilty for not acknowledging people. (When the mood arises, of course.)

Like I told Ika, it's good to take risks because if you don't, you don't know just how far you can go.

. . .

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