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10.07.2004 Saturday night @ 9:43 p.m.
*Unusually long*

Was reading my ancient entries and stumbled upon one where I talked about receiving presents. Why? 'Cos it was Teachers' Day. It was my first year teaching, thus it was the first ever Teachers' Day for me. After which, I read a few more entries and I realised that even though my girls were so naughty (kids being kids), I truly did love them. Both classes of girls.

I also loved the girls from the other classes which I'd taught. There was that one girl (P1 at the time in '01) whose class had me for a PE teacher, her name's Nicole. She looked like she always had dark circles round her eyes and she was so cute, she'd always run after me and squeal, "Teacher, carry me! Carry me!" Wasn't she cute? Heh. I thought she had a twin in another class but I was wrong. *sheepish grin*

And there was another girl, Marsha Ho. I taught her class (P1F in '01 and P2F in '02) PE for 2 years. She was a sort of monitress, like a mini-teacher. Bossy for her age at the time but really capable of keeping the class in order. The girls actually listened to her! Plus, she was a tiny celebrity, having acted in sitcoms/dramas and being in commercials. I was so ecstatic when I saw her in "Under One Roof". The specific episode was one where Paul had just opened a health counter in Teck's minimart and was trying to encourage customers to try on a healthier lifestyle. (Of course, he discouraged them from buying junk food in the process.) Well, my Marsha came in the closing scene. She was the cute and chubby little girl who came in to buy a piece of chocolate. Her lines included, "How much please?" Haha. I was so proud!

The most significant thing about my girls was that they loved to hug. I don't know if they still practise it, but at that time, it was normal to come to school each morning and receive hugs from them. Being an all-girls environment (with no male staff except for 2-3 very trusted and long-time attendants), I suppose the hugging culture would be prevalent. Though..what about now? One of my ex-girls told me recently that they now have male teachers..about 4-5 of them. She wasn't kidding. I checked it out myself, even though I haven't stepped into the school for about 2 years.

I wonder what's happened to Laura?

. . .

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