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15.07.2004 Thursday evening @ 7:29 p.m.
*Monkey see, monkey do*

School was fun today. Much much fun because I (according to Jeannette's own words) terrorised the kids. *evil chuckle* They behaved considerably well for a non-air-conditioned day.

Oh yeah, my school has air-conditioned classrooms, as I've told some people. However, there's a "save the electricity" campaign or air-con on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And you know what, the kids simply go wild when there's no air-con. I mean, really..they really go quite mad. It's a zoo out there! (And I'm training monkeys! Or dogs, as Jeannette would say.)

I'm being evil, yes I know. We call ourselves psychotic really.

Though you know, there are really a couple of monkeys there who become absolutely wild and thus start influencing/harassing the other kids. Oh, and I suspect that a few of them are obsessive-compulsive with cleanliness, just like me, albeit of a different kind. Where I'm moderately obsessed with oral cleanliness, those few kids lurrrve to sweep the floor every 2-3 periods or so. They're really so obsessed! And there's another one who is so fond of rubbing the board with the duster. *look up*

But really, I'm starting to love them despite their idiosyncrasies and the constant "forgetfulness" of bringing books/completing homework. They can be really irritating and infuriating yes, but they can be so cute too!

My monkey #1 aka Firdaus, loves to make funny noises. Just like me, when I'm in the mood. *snigger snigger* He's quite smart but loves to disturb others. When he starts his nonsense, other people will follow suit. That's why I always make him stand in "the smelly corner" (an area partitioned by the teacher's table and a computer table).

Monkey #2 aka Fadly, is such a 'lil cutie with his small frame and Harry Potter-esque looks. (He really does look like the book Potter.) He hardly brings his books and hardly does work as well, but now he's started to bring the essentials: Maths, English and Science. Hopefully it'd stay that way.

Monkey #3 aka Azaad, is so restless and loves to move about. Another one who's pretty intelligent. I make him sit down on the floor during lessons because he also loves to disturb his partner's pencil-case, which is shaped like a London bus. This fella shouts out a lot as well when I'm teaching, mostly the answers and echoing of facts. He's okay as long as he's doing constructive work.

Oh, my monkeys monkeys monkeys! Another day with all of you tomorrow. :p

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