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14.11.2004 Sunday morning @ 12:33 a.m.
*New do*

Saw snippets of this year's Eid concert on TV while cleaning the hall and Malaysian singer Anuar Zain was performing at the time. I cringed.

Now don't get me wrong; I neither like nor dislike him. I find him so-so and okay as a singer. He strikes me as the male version of Mariah Carey; too over-rated on the voice gymnastics. Anyway what really got my goat was his hair. It definitely looked longer than mine, and I've been keeping it long since eons. Bleah.

Somehow, he resembled Michael Jackson with that hair. And body frame. Erk. Spooky man. Got me freaked out that I got my trusted pair of scissors and brought it along with me for my late-night shower.

So yeah, now I have short, nape-of-the-neck-length hair.

P/S: Cousin, this has nothing to do with you. It's a coincidence, I swear.

. . .

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