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07.02.2006 Tuesday evening @ 7:02 p.m.
*My poor stomach*

The daily ritual that I go through before I prepare myself for school are as follows (meticulous to a T):

1) Stretch my lazy bones.
2) Open the windows and let sunshine into my room.
3) Prop my pillow and bolster (yes ladies and gentlemen, "bolster" is "goleng" for the uninitiated).
4) Drag myself to the toilet with my towel draped around my neck.
5) Undress, then brush my teeth.
6) Squat at the toilet bowl and wait for any "business" to be excreted.

I'll usually pass water at the most. The big business doesn't come that often. Think, once or twice a week (or a fortnight, *shudder*). So this morning, it felt good to have released all the toxins after all the agonising cramps last night (made up of menstrual ones too).

However, my relief turned to sorrow when I experienced more cramps during the first lesson of the day. Just ten minutes into discussing the different parts of a flower, I stunned my kids when they were told to get up from the floor to return to their desks to complete a worksheet. Some of them went, "Eh? So fast?" (Hurhurhur, dalam baik dorang kenakan aku. Biasanya duduk atas lantai sekurang-kurangnya 20 minit.)

I rushed to the girls' toilet, a storey down, and locked myself up in the squatting cubicle for a good ten minutes. At least, it must have lasted ten minutes because I'd been in and out in less than a period. Thank goodness for readily-available liquid detergent and pipes!

That was the start to my trauma. I'd visited the staff ladies' twice after that, and after each visit, I felt drained and de-energised. Thankfully, the canteen lady (my one and only Kak B) realised my plight and thus made me a cup of strong tea. The strength of the tea was supposed to make my stools firmer instead of the semi-liquid state they had been in, but me being the creature with a penchant for sweetness, added in some sugar secretly. :p

Anyhow, I promise I'll make myself a cup of strong tea later. Will pack up now and get ready to scoot.

. . .

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