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20.03.2006 Monday morning @ 1:24 a.m.

Tomorrow (or technically later) is another day. A brand new day of a brand new school term, in fact. And already I feel so screwed just because of a particular email I just read.

It's supposed to make my day but why do I feel as if there's been a miscommunication on a third party's part?

Hey there Mister George! I don't recall having told you that my kids had performed that particular song before! In fact, I distinctively remember having made that song up during the workshop session. How could my dear adorable little monkeys have known and sang it anyway?


I'm not going to reply until I show my partner the emails. Only then will we decide the course of action to take.


On a different note, this is now a new favourite. Mmmm mmmm.

. . .

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