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02.04.2006 Sunday morning @ 2:13 a.m.

April, one of my favourite months, has arrived! Started it with a bang, I did. Had a blast planning the first day of this month as well as thinking of suitable gifts for my birthday boy. Hehe.

I hope you liked the presents dear. Sorry, no games though! Happy birthday to you. :-)

As all coincidences, one of my girlfriends shares the same exact birthday, so I came up with a little something for her too. Nothing fancy, I'm afraid, just something simple and home-made. For now anyway. She'll receive something extra when I see her proper for the next get-together (cum-discreet-celebration). She doesn't read this space but even if she does sometime in future, she won't be looking at this particular post anyway. *wink*

Alhamdulillah, I'm feeling much better now, all thanks to the short respite. It's amazing what idyllic moments can do the brain; sparks the entire mind juices a-flow baby! What better way to start a new work-week aye? (I can hear some of you groaning away there, hurhur.)

AND to start on the due-this-coming-Tuesday SA1 Science paper that I'm supposed to have printed out already!


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