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28.04.2006 Friday night @ 8:17 p.m.
*Once upon a rainy night*

It's quite a nice, peaceful feeling to be still in school at this time. I'm not alone of course; there are a few other colleagues who are still marking away or completing their own work. I just appreciate the fact that I've been able to finish 3/4 of the piles of books.

Can't say the same about the worksheets though.

Anyhow, the coming week will be another short one still, due to Labour Day (on May 1st) and the pre-polling activities on Friday (5th May). Despite feeling elated at the decreased number of days that I have to work, I can't shake the continual feeling of restlessness and worry that I won't ever be able to finish revising with the kids, in time for their exams. Part of me is saying so because of the pressure to produce good results, another part of me is pressing upon the fact that I have a great deal of responsibilities besides carrying out my job as honestly as I can, to the best of my ability.

I've always believed that any work is a form of amanah; that when I undertake any sort of work, I have to be mindful of the huge responsibilities that I have to shoulder. Add to that my belief that I also have to put in my best effort so that I won't be disappointed with myself eventually.

Sometimes though, I tend to forget that I'm in charge of moulding the future of 30 young children. Cliche, but my mind usually tells me that they're capable of being little monsters if not handled in the strictest way possible.

But they also can be sweet little monkeys. :-D

I think I better wrap up if I want to get home in time for my favourite Korean drama. Daa.

. . .

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