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31.05.2006 Wednesday night @ 9:43 p.m.

Another tag by Maya.

Once you�ve been tagged, write a post with 24 weird facts/things/habits about yourself then tag 6 other people.

1. I used to bite my nails.

2. Occasionally, I will pull the underskin of my big toes till they bleed.

3. I used to hate having my pictures taken when I was really young.

4. I hated being cuddled and kissed by my parents and relatives when I was young, circa 1980s.

5. I've ever beaten my brother up with a hockey stick, over a fire incident.

6. When I was in Primary 1, a boy classmate hugged me from behind after I had returned the class register. That was really traumatic.

7. I love blue with a passion and can wear the same blue scarf twice or thrice in a week.

8. I get really physical and violent when I'm in an uncontrollable rage.

9. I can't bake to save my life.

10. I'm semi-addicted to Dettol soap. I have a bar that I constantly sniff after I return home from work.

11. I hate petai. The smell makes me sick.

12. I still enjoy watching cartoons. Just a big kid at heart.

13. I get insanely jealous of other people getting too close to my friends and boyfriend.

14. I prefer Tamil over Hindustani movies.

15. I enjoy dancing very much.

16. I bhangra-ed with a girlfriend once in a chalet, behind the drawn curtains, but everyone outside could see our silhouettes!

17. I enjoy wrapping gifts. I think it's an art.

18. I've also recently started to like making cards for friends.

19. I've had dreams of losing all my teeth.

20. And I really *am* afraid of losing my teeth, so I brush them every time after eating and floss occasionally (or at least I try to).

21. I'm also afraid of snakes (kind of) because I've had weird dreams of them always trying to eat me up.

22. I like to eat bread with home-made cold Milo. Mmm mmm.

23. I cut my hair myself. I don't go to hairdressers nor salons.

24. I am fascinated with blackheads and pull mine out with a special pair of tweezers. My brother also requests me to pull *his* out, which I do (being a good sister and all, harhar).

I'm not going to tag anyone this time round. Whoever wants to try this out, feel free to do it yeah?

And I'm currently fascinated with Paul Twohill. Some might say he has a kooky look, but I think he's got a great persona. And I really love the hair.

Goodnight and peace out.

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