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13.07.2006 Thursday morning @ 2:32 a.m.
*For letting me see the Light*

I haven't been fulfilling my obligations to the best of my ability. I have forgotten to be thankful to Allah for all the good things that had happened.

God forbid.

No wonder I've been falling sick. Thrice in a span of 4 months is a big deal for someone whose true #1 work-orientated goal is to have an MC-free record. Goodness! Little did I realise that falling sick is just one of His ways to tell me that I've been slack with my responsibilities.

That also explains the ungrateful and complacent feelings that I've been experiencing as of late. I must not forget again. Insya Allah, I will do my best to carry out my duties to the best of my ability.

It's not a matter of "I can't do it". I can. I just have to buck up and resist the temptation to say "I won't".

. . .

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