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06.08.2006 Sunday afternoon @ 3:23 p.m.

It's a rule of thumb that one never ever calls a colleague or co-worker during the weekends, unless it's some life-threatening-shit emergency or said colleague/co-worker is also a close friend who wants to hang out for fun (or something like that, you get what I mean right?). Text messages are fine since they do not require direct voice communication (thus, nor infringing on the receiver's space) and gives the receiver the right to respond in his/her own leisurely manner without feeling threatened. This is called respect for privacy and one's own personal space so as not to feel stiffled 24/7 by the presence of someone from work (unless that someone is a close friend whom you go on holidays with or whatever).

Imagine getting a call on a Sunday morning from a newbie, that the all-important attachment that you had compiled and sent, was too big to be opened in the corporate mail. Okay, granted both of you would need the attachment for Monday morning, but wouldn't an sms suffice to notify you to send the file to an alternate email address? Apologetic tone is not accepted, thank you very much.

Well, that's just what I hate. Even my HODs refrain from calling me during weekends. At the most, they will send a text message to require a reply. I mean, don't some people understand that working in the same place doesn't necessarily constitute being best friends? And it's the first time we're working together. You've never acknowledged me before, not even when you were in-training, so why be so gung-ho and pally with me all of a sudden, even to the extent of looking for me while I was somewhere else?

It's 'cos you feel your ass is on the line, that's why Mister.

I'm being very professional with you already. Please don't call me during weekends again. It's very disturbing.

. . .

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