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26.08.2006 Saturday morning @ 1:32 a.m.
*What I want?*

What Women Want (extracted from here)

What turns women on? Ask anyone, and you'll get a different answer. Rock hard abs? Flowers for no reason? Confidence and compliments? Turning a woman on is complicated, like mixing the perfect martini. Fear not, though. Here are the 10 basic ingredients:

1. Intelligence. "I don't need a genius," says Janelle, 25, "but I want him to be up on current events and able to articulate his views." Caution: Don't let facts outweigh feelings. They both count in a woman's world.

2. Sense of humour. "A guy who makes me laugh � whether he's hilariously funny or deliciously wry � is a total turn-on," notes Maresa, 42. Don't fret if you're not a natural comedian. The ability to laugh at yourself, act like a goof or communicate your slightly skewed views on life goes a long way.

3. Passion. "A guy who lives his life with gusto is incredibly appealing," says Bette, 33. "Engaging that passion when it comes to me and our relationship is almost irresistible."

4. Consideration. "A thoughtful man is a beautiful thing," says Catie, 29. "Caring about what I think and how I feel is very charming." Bonus tip: Basic manners are an early indicator. Open the door for her, ask about her day, etc.

5. Honesty. "When a man opens up to me � especially about something personal � it shows he respects me," relates Leslie, 38. "And there's a sweet vulnerability about it that's really endearing." Caution: Don't overdo it. She doesn't need to know how many women you've dated before her.

6. Flexibility. "I like a guy who's confident and daring enough to be spontaneous, but I also appreciate when he's got a plan and follows through with it," says Britt, 40. "That sounds contradictory, but if he knows how to do both, he'll reap serious rewards."

7. Serenity. "There's something alluring about a man with a positive outlook on life," says Becca, 36. "Give me a guy who doesn't let the little things get to him."

8. Balance. All work and no play make Johnny a lonely boy. "It's a total turnoff to date someone who's unable to balance work and hobbies with a relationship," notes Kenna, 43. "Ambition and drive are great in the right measure, but if he continually puts work or the gym ahead of me, it's over."

9. Ambition. "I'm attracted to men who know what they want and go after it," explains Treichelle, 23, "but they also have to be willing to be led." .

10. Attentiveness. "A fella who goes out of his way to make me feel special is hard to pass up," says Jackie, 32. "I'm not looking for grand gestures. Bring me a shell from the beach. Call me when I'm sick. Those little things count a lot."

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