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12.09.2006 Tuesday morning @ 2:10 a.m.
*No blues here*

My first day of Term 4 had gone alright, alhamdulillah. Nothing too spectacular, but I'm thankful that my form class were able to complete some work amidst some constructive noise. We even managed three separate story-telling sessions and PE to boot, all on time! Alhamdulillah!

On top of that, my P1s behaved really well today, and when I say "well", I truly mean it. They, who are naturally uber-hyper and have the attention span of a carrot, actually managed to come down to the basketball court stat, line up properly and pay attention to the demonstration of the game practice! I was so proud of them!

Perhaps Eric's absence helped a lot. Heheh.

Oh, and I almost had to stay overnight in the staff room 'cos the slightly-deaf old uncle

1) didn't notice 'lil 'ol me in my cosy by-the-pillar cubicle
2) had switched off ALL the lights and air-conditioning
3) had locked up the glass door entrance!

I was so terrified, I dashed to the door and banged my fists on it. Thank Allah the uncle was still outside, gathering his keys and what-nots. Phew!

Thank Allah for my darling's presence. :)

. . .

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