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02.11.2006 Thursday morning @ 1:04 a.m.
*Of compliments and ego*

Some days feel like the worst days I've ever had and on such days, all I want to do is to go home and sleep it off.

Some other days feel like they're raining roses and sunflowers every second, in the midst of a raging hurricane. And I have to thank Allah for allowing me to experience two such days, back-to-back. Alhamdulillah.

Day 1:
"Eh you bought new shoes leh!"
"Hey're wearing girly shoes..."
"Wah, so different today. Got a date ahh later?"
"Never seen you wear a striped shirt before..."
"Ehh...baju baru eh?"
"Teacher, you look very nice today."

Day 2:
"Appreciate your initiative and action taken. You're doing well."
"Your children did really well for their Maths. I think they're the ones with the highest number of Band 1s."
"Sayang, your tudung is very sweet, especially with the embroidery."
Hearing your voice, even for just that few minutes.

Excuse me while I bask in my short-lived glory.

. . .

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