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23.01.2007 Tuesday evening @ 6:43 p.m.
*Losing it*

I lost my voice last week.

My throat hurt whenever I spoke, I could feel phlegm swishing about and my colleagues agreed that I sounded as sexy as a tranny.

However, thanks to the wonderful (and might I add perfect) weekend, I managed to recover my most-prized tool for teaching. Inbetween fantastic food and plenty of laughter, I drank gallons of water to help in the recovery of my voice.

Today, I'm on the verge of losing it again, no thanks to the new bunch of kiddos. (I want to call them escaped animals from the zoo but then again, I keep emphasising to them that they're children, not elephants, so.) They really make me go nuts! Everyone keeps telling me how patient I am but hey, every ounce of my patience is being zapped by the second, so how now brown cow?? (Seriously, I may look it, but I'm really not that patient, especially when it comes to idiocy.)

I really need a quiet respite.

P/S: Thank you dear, for saving me from the madness!

. . .

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