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08.05.2007 Tuesday afternoon @ 4:59 p.m.
*Hey hey*

It's been a while. Just about a week plus has passed but a few things have happened. I couldn't post an update ASAP as Diaryland had been down over the weekend so, here are just some random stuff that I'm going to jot.

1. The weekly weekend jog is becoming a must for me now. Ever since I started that "small" step a few weeks back, I am feeling more motivated to get cracking to the park opposite my place every Saturday/Sunday evening. (Initially I'd wanted to jog in the mornings but as always, I could never wake up early enough!) It also feels good to know that I'm able to cover my mental jogging route nowadays without feeling breathless or too giddy.

2. I joined my ibu and cousin for zapin aerobics last Wednesday evening at a community centre in Simei. It was the first time I'd ever participated in an aerobics session that fused the traditional Malay dance form with basic aerobic moves. Truth be told, I felt quite awkward and stiff. However, as the session progressed, I felt more relaxed and started to enjoy myself. It's not a formal class like the ones you see in exercise/fitness centres, so no worries there. :)

3. On Sunday, I went to a yoga club for a trial session. The salespeople there seem pretty hardcore on getting new members and at first, I was pretty turned off. However, after experiencing the trial run and doing some mental calculation in my head, I went ahead and signed myself up. For one thing, the longer opening hours are more flexible as compared to those of one particular centre that I was a member of. The longer opening hours mean that I could attend a session in the early morning (as if) OR after work without feeling rushed (and I hate feeling rushed).

4. I'm feeling groovier by the day already! Haha. *wink*

Alritey. Can't wait to see him (and hopefully two other people) this weekend. Till the next post, adieu!

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