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21.05.2007 Monday night @ 11:45 p.m.
*Of cramps*

Yesterday's jog was the worst ever. I experienced the ultimate menstrual cramps halfway through my route but I ploughed on. Managed to complete the route (almost wanted to stop but thank God, I didn't) and cool down after that but dizziness struck me. Spent five minutes just being plopped down on the ground before making my way home by crossing the bridge.

And that was when my nightmare began.

My legs shook real badly as I was going up and every step that I took needed too much effort. Add to that the lightheadedness due to the limited supply of blood+oxygen in my body. It was pure pain. I mustered all strength just to make it up and down the bridge safely, even stopping for some moments to let the blood run to my head.

Just as I made it to my block, the cramps hit again. And hit hard they did. I flicked it off as part of my imagination as I wanted to make it home as fast as I could. However, as much as I wanted to move, I couldn't. I could only sit under the void deck and clutch at my abdomen tightly, in order to reduce the pain. Ten minutes passed before I told myself to just get up and walk to the lift pronto. (The five minutes in the lift seemed so long and arduous!)

I tried to hustle it ASAP to my unit but halfway, I felt that dizziness strike once again. I had to squat down for a sec, and right beside a neighbour's cat! It must have felt puzzled, heh. Anyhow, shuffled towards my door and knocked like there was no tomorrow. The minute I got in, plonked myself down on the couch and clutched at my abdomen even more.

It was excruciating. My dad offered to bring me to the doctor but I was vehement not to visit her. It took all of my might just to shift myself to my room, where I was knocked out for two solid hours.

I think that's the scariest experience I've ever had, experiencing cramps.

. . .

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