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28.05.2007 Monday evening @ 8:57 p.m.
*The grandma encounter*

It was Saturday evening and he was sending me home after our date. We had taken the train and were walking towards a bus berth in the interchange. And who did he spot from afar in that particular berth queue but my grandma! (He had only seen her once or twice in real life.)

Well, we couldn't very well turn back since we were already nearing the berth. Thus, we gingerly waved to grandma (or rather, I did) and made conversation with her (rather, she was doing all the questioning and we were doing the answering). We soon joined the queue and boarded the bus, where she chose an "elderly" seat and majestically indicated the seat before that for us to rest on. Once we were properly seated, she fired another round of questions amidst her own rants and laments.

Some examples of her questions and comments (reproduced in the mother tongue for more "kick"):

"Dari mana nieh?" (Typical question.)

"Pergi makan kat mana? Tak belikan untuk adik?" (My brother was recovering from fever and cough.)

"Kata nak pergi makan nasi ayam hari Khamis? Tak bawak nenek sekali?" (She backed off when I said "sure", and added that another couple-friends were joining as well.)

"Kenapa tak datang rumah nenek time raya tahun lepas?" (She remembered lehhh because my cousin had brought her fiance along on the first day of Eid.)

"Kalau nak datang, datang aje. Tak payah tunggu raya." (On his reply that he wasn't sure if he was "allowed" to come during Eid.)

"Kalau hantar balik rumah, masuklah sekali!" (When he said that he usually sends me back home after our dates. Anyhow, when she said this, I immediately said, "Tak boleh nekkk. Ayah takde kat rumah!" Since my dad works nights, see? Hurhurhur.)

For a 70-something year-old woman, she's pretty feisty and brave to go out without her husband (not necessarily alone) and return home alone late at night.

. . .

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