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08.03.2008 Saturday night @ 11:29 p.m.
*Moving on*

It looks like DLand has a new look. Sleek and black, and absolutely charming, something that my journal is not. In fact, yours truly has also become sleek -- sleek-fat like a cat. Haha.

Despite that, I'm able to wear the brown top that I'd worn during college prom, with plenty of space left to spare. This is unlike that night some eight years ago, when it had felt snugly fitted onto my body. Oh, and how was it that I'd came about to find that brown top that had been chosen by these two girls after all? 'Cos I was cleaning out my wardrobe (not closet to me!) and turning it upside down. I'm too lazy to snap pictures due to the hassle of finding the cable/plugging it in/transferring the data/uploading and waiting etc but eh, we'll see in a few hours' time yeah? Women have a habit, in general, of being too fickle-minded for their own good. *grin*

And after all that's said and done, I do find some learning points that I'd like to share with you with regards to life:

1. Get up and move on.
2. Focus on the important things.
3. My husband is the best for me!

Happy birthday Pakcik!

. . .

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