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08.05.2002 Wednesday evening @ 7:08 p.m.
*Blardie fools and tools*

Setlist band of the moment:


Tracks involved:

Ex Cowboy (both the live and album versions)

New Paths To Helicon (part 1)

Small Children In The Background

Hail, the Kings of Noise. =p

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Now I'm feeling like a student all over again. I have a test on Friday that I have to study for, and the passing mark is 70 percent out of a 100. If I don't make the grade, I'll have to take the darn course all over again. Frigging idiotic. But do remind me to bring my specs along this Friday.

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I've been getting a lot of spam and all I'm wondering is how on earth did I get myself involved with those three yahoogroups when I have never ever subscribed myself to them? Oh, blardie great. I had tons and tons of unwanted emails simply because those people from the groups found it "extremely helpful to share with others what I-would-normally-render-useless information" around. Bleargh. Gimme my space back!! I want my space back!! You blardie nincompoops. I didn't even know any of them, damn it! Arghhh...!

calming down

I'm alright now. Was just caught up with the moment. In any case, I know most of you hate chain mails and yada yada yada and so do I. I especially despise and loath all those stoopid mails that say, oh if you don't spread 'em you'll get rabies or cancer or something, or your hamster will die a terrible death just by rolling and rolling itself on the wheel, or you'll never get married and you'll be left on the shelf like a wrinkled raisin. Like what the fuck?! It's just a piece of Word document or text file that someone decided to start just to see the various duh reactions of all those blardie stoopid asses who can't seem to do anything else but click on the Forward button because their lives depend on it. Like FUCK!! Argh!!

And you know the kind of chain mail that says, oh I'm a poor 'lil ass kid living somewhere in the most remote part of Tajakastan and I'm suffering from the most hard-to-obtain-its-remedy incurable disease and I'll die if you don't forward this mail since one forward gets me a mere teeny weeny nickel for my would-be operation that costs a thousand gazillion smackeroonies. Like, chill! How on earth would the kid be able to track the emails or forwards when he/she is living in such an ulu place and furthermore, there isn't such an innovative system yet (I'm pretty sure of this) and even if there is, by when would this child get his/her amount of money?? And how long would he/she have to wait if no one forwarded the blardie email??

And you know what's the best chain letter ever? It's the kind that says, oh this so-called famous Sheikh or Caliph had a wonderful weird dream that came from the Almighty and in the dream he dreamt all sorts of destruction that would befall the human race should he decide not to "share" the dream with the unfortunate people of Islam. Like, bullshit man. Do you need a stoopid frigging virtual letter to remind you of God's greatness and power? Do you actually need something even remotely along the lines of that to tell you or show you how you can be depleted within a millisecond if He wished it? Like for goodness' sakes, open your blardie eyes and LOOK AROUND you! His power and might lie in everything we see, hear, touch, breathe and feel. The trees, the ocean, the plants, the animals, the fantastic sprawling skyscrapers, the birth of a child...all these depict the greatness of God you suckers. And read the Holy Qur'an for more vital evidence.


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I hate bugs!

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