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30.05.2002 Thursday morning @ 3:38 a.m.
*Another useless ranting*

This is a very scary world we live in. Very scary.

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Sometimes you really wonder when it is all going to end. I don't know what is going to end. I just know something is going to end. Friendships, relationships, war, suffering, yada yada yada, blah blah blah, the world. And then you think again, and you realise that it all makes sense. He just wanted to test you.

I thought it would never end. Maybe it would. Someday. When I grow so old and flabby...hahaha. This is funny. I know I'm going to grow all old and flabby. :�

So this person, he's in my MSN contacts and I scarcely know him though we were both part of a huge organisation some time last year. He held this one big-shot post while I was in some small-time committee which I was pretty happy in. Of course he didn't know me. I didn't either though I've seen him a couple of times at the big-shot meetings, hur hur hur. And then he was on my MSN.

So we talk sometimes but then that was it. I never paid any attention to him lar cos basically I just saw him as this one big-shot and the respect that I have for him is purely from a member to another member. In fact, he's like an absent-minded person in the sense that even though I've told the nitty gritty about meself and so forth, he still keeps on asking me this and that, the basics you know? So today was it. I just told him off and then amazingly, he became quite tame. Haha. Cos usually I'd disconnect halfway (through no fault of my own) and then when I get back online, he wouldn't even be there so I'd think to myself, so heck then. But this time, he was still around so I just apologised for formalities' sake and that was it. Or so I thought.

After we played round the mulberry bush, har har, he sms-ed me a picture message for which he received a telling-off. I regard such things as SPAM! Remember this? Well, you get the idea.

In any case, after another sms, he asked me about my plans the next day which would be tomorrow. So I said as truthfully as I could, that I would be out to pay bills and yada yada yada and then he said something about going out, to which I declined politely, cos I knew I would be going somewhere else in the evening right after mah bill-paying. After a while, the convo lead to you-know-what so I had no choice but to spill the beans and it was then that it struck me. This kind of thing would never stop unless I grow so old and flabby. Hahaha! I can't wait! :�

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"You want it/We got it/You know it/Come on come on come on come on"

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