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24.07.2003 Thursday night @ 11:45 p.m.
*Of problems and personal life*

People have problems and responsibilities. Sometimes emotionally, sometimes financially, sometimes a mixture of both.

There are some people who carry emotional problems and feel really low. There are others who carry financial problems and feel even low in the dumps. And sometimes a question burns: which type of problem is worse?

Wallahu'alam. Only God knows.

On a lighter note.

I saw some of my girls! Happy happy me and them. They played a trick on me by calling out my name and then hiding behind a pillar. Tut tut. Dah besar anak mak (dan anak-anak cikgu).. *beam*

And yeah, I've finished that third HP book in a day. I'm a mean reader..hurhurhur. I don't care anymore; I just wear my ugly-cool blue-framed speccies in the MRT and read and read and read. The girl with her mam in the train just now was definitely staring at me. Mak kepo betul.

Yeay me.

. . .

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