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24.10.2004 Sunday afternoon @ 4:38 p.m.
*Operation Clean-up: My room (part 1)*

With the help of my brother, I've managed to clear a rubbish-bag-ful of junk. All of them...pure junk. We sorted, cleared, wiped, scrubbed...phew! With a short break inbetween to clear our heads from the impending mess, I can finally see my study table. Prior to this, it was just...pure mess. I think those who've entered my room can testify to this.

Now I can mark at the study table! 8-D

But you know what, that's not the end of I actually drew up a list of things to be done within this and the other rooms in the house. Today has only been part one of the cleaning series.

There are more to come.

. . .

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