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21.10.2004 Thursday afternoon @ 3:46 p.m.

Was typing away, surfing, when I realised that it's somehow easier to talk to a complete stranger about personal matters as compared to a close friend or other.

Yeah sure, you talk about things that are way private, that perhaps you're ashamed of to a certain degree, that perhaps even your own parents and family aren't aware of. It's ironic that you're able to bare your soul completely to a stranger, when there are others around whom you're familiar with and vice-versa. However, there's always the issue of something bouncing back to you. The world isn't that big a place after all, especially when you live on a tiny red dot.

I guess the best thing about confiding in a stranger is that since he/she has no background on you, it gives you the freedom to rant on and on without getting the other person personally involved. He/she doesn't need to know what you do, or who your friends are, or what you're really like. He/she doesn't have to commit to an opinion, especially one that opposes your view. He/she is just there to listen, which makes it easier for you to pour your heart out.

You don't get judged, see? The other person's impression of you is just as he/she sees you, just as it is. It's like you talk, and that's the end of it. No questions asked, no expectations raised.

Cakap sini, habis sini.

. . .

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