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26.08.2001 @ 2:25 a.m.
*Death and everything else*

Greetings to myself and my faithful journal. It seems that my nice new blue book is of no use since I'm a frequent visitor to my own domain. Which, sad to say, isn't so private (alhough I have the choice of locking it so that only CERTAIN people can access my journal thingy if I give them the password) such that other uninvited people can enter. Lalalalalalalalala...~oh well, whatever nevermind. =) Recognise that? Try humming Kurt and Co. and ya might be able to know. Hehe...nice phrase...I like.

Oh yah I did a check on that ninny and *chuckle*...guess what...that gong used such a Thatter nick...Mr Orange!! Hahaha...yah yah yah it's THE nick from A Clockwork Orange. =) Ass. Macamlah aku bodoh sangat tak tau it's from that book/movie. Speaking of which, I've been browsing various bookstores trying to find Burgess but to no avail. They either don't have the right Burgess OR the book is out of stock. I did check the libraries but there were soooo many books I ended up getting sidetracked. Sheesh! And that reminds me, I just have to go visit Woodlands library again. It's so fantastik! I'm just in love with it! It's huge and airy and full of sweet-smelling new paperbacks...gosh! Fantastik! If I can just go there during the weekend or something...wah lau...great sia!

I love reading and reading but right now I just don't seem to have the time. Oh well, I should MAKE time. But still, I like my online life. Gives me a chance to meet netpals and talk rubbish...lose myself in IRCrap. =) Nice? I just invented it on the spot hehe. Okay okay, I'm being self-admirable. What?! Can't I admire myself once in a while after admiring sooo many people???

Just now after school I called up Suhainis and Maria at the pay phone. Well Suhainis wasn't available at that moment so I left her a msg. But when I called Maria, I discovered something shocking. Her grandmama just passed away yesterday (as in Friday)...time I'm not so sure I forgot to ask but well, we all kinda expected it, only I was shocked cos I haven't called Maria in a while (about 2-3 weeks??) and when that piece of news came, it was like KA-BOOM! Scary. I mean, not seeing or being with the dead body, but scary cos once u knew that person and you spent time with her. Talked to her, did stuff together with her...and then before you know it, she's gone. I just visited my grandma on Thursday rite...remember? And Friday Maria's grandmama passed away...and then just now I discovered that Lan had a near-death experience once when he was little. It's so scary. You just don't know when you're gonna leave. I mean that's why you gotta prepare. But yet, what would it feel like?



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