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23.04.2002 Monday late night @ 1:01 a.m.
*Keep turning my cheek...*

My book of Mormon

Wrapped in Turin

And it seems inferior and jittery

You preach elastic

To your jagged flock

In an eerie passion for self-flattery

I'm emotionally raped by J----

I'm emotionally raped by J---- now

But I'm still here

Yes, somehow I'm still here

What now of my faith

Just a desperate exercise to limit pain

I am weak

I'm emotional and sensitive and frail

In need of some love

Pull the cancer from the Vatican's own state


You will harbour those who nurtured Europe's War

Keep turning my cheek

In a fragile state of violence left me weak

No guilt

Hold your people in disdain and steal their grace

I need replacement

To feel redefined

And it's just this matter of identity

You preach elastic

To your jagged flock

It's an eerie passion for self-flattery

Emotionally I'm wrapped in shame

Emotionally I feel I'm raped

Oh, emotionally in chains

What now of my faith

It's a desperate exercise to limit pain

No guilt

Hold your people in disdain and steal their grace

Keep turning my cheek

I'm emotional and sensitive and weak


You have harboured those who nurtured Europe's War


. . .

Gosh...I am so in love with that. Don't you just love their style of prog-rock?

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Music. Need to immerse myself in more music. More music is good, good. Always good. Me good gerl. Me no bad gerl. =p Where is my Mogwai?

Har har, why not have a Band of the Day?

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There was a belle in school. In fact in every school I went to there was sure to be a belle of the school. Kindergarten, primary, secondary, jaycee...'nuff said. So-called glamorous and popular, they were the Ultimate Bitches Of The Universe. Why on earth, you may ask, are the school beauties always (more or less) so high-and-mighty? And such snobs? Really, that gets my goat.

Why weren't they ugly to begin with? Why were they blessed with so-called beautiful crusts when their hearts were so black with filth? Why did they have to put the others down? Why were they well-liked by teachers when they did not even deserve their marks? Why oh why did they always get the nice boys??

Now THIS is sour grapes.

. . .

Maybe a bout of cancer would do me good.

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