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02.06.2002 Sunday afternoon @ 5:36 p.m.
*I'm all outta lurrrve...smirk smirk*

I'm going to call this the "lurrrve" entry. Bah! :�

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My grandparents arrived home safely just last night. Almost everyone was there save for a few absentees but then again, the good son is always forgiven. *smirk*

As usual, when 3 girls gather and talk, it becomes a truly chaotic secret session. There you have it (in numerical order): Younger Cousin 1 (YC1), Younger Cousin 2 (YC2) and moi. And pretending to be asleep was YC2's younger brother, listening in onto our secret session.

After TWO months, then she bloody tells me. After TWO frigging months, then everybody starts spilling the beans. What the...argh! :� She even wore his old ring damn it. The signs were there. They were so clear. They were beckoning to me, BUT I refused to believe anything until I heard it straight from the horse's mouth. In any case, congrats cousin! Now don't slip. Hur hur hur.

So everyone's talking about it. Lurrrve. Okay, maybe not everyone but most people that I know ARE talking if not mentioning it. Is this a predicament or is it a blessing? I don't know. I don't want to know. I thought I knew but perhaps it was just my ego flattering myself. In any case, we all have heard those very familiar sayings.

Familiar Saying Number 1 : "Age ain't nothing but a number."

What do you think? Can we accept this? Pertaining to the issue of lurrrve, can we really say that age does not play any part in deciding the fate of two star-crossed lovers? *smirk* (Digress no. 1 : I can't remember exactly but in the play, he was supposed to be 14-15 summat? And she was supposed to be 11? 12? Yah, if I remembered the facts correctly, that should be it. :p) Why is it that the conventional mentality is for him to be older than her? Why can't she be older than him? Okay, maybe some argue that it's weird or something, or that she needs to feel secure and the only way to achieve security or stability is to be with someone who is several years or months or days or weeks or hours or...argh! You get the idea! :� But then again, there's really nothing wrong there is it? Unless of course, she isn't willing to wait for him to settle his other priorities first and blah blah blah...oh, we live in such a conventional world.

But then again, if a younger him isn't exactly widely regarded as conventional, then what about a really older him? Some "shes" are really particular about that age factor. Can't be too young, can't be too old, have to be just nice. (Digress no. 2 : I was guilty of this. :p) What, we're acting like Goldilocks now are we? "Too hot! Too cold! Ahhh...JUST right!" Bleah. Say, a 50-year-old Datuk marries again (with not-so-gentle protests from THE number 1) and it is to a sweet 26-year-old laydee. The whole political and media scene makes a big hoo-ha over it by accusing him to be a man with a roving eye, that he can't keep still, that he's flirty etc etc. And she? Well, she's not spared either. They'll say she married him for his money and position, that she has other plans under her sleeve, that she is also flirty and etc etc. Bleah. But then again, as much as a woman detests the idea of "sharing" her husband with another laydee, it's not like it isn't allowed in Islam. It is, but with conditions of course. And yes, I'll spare you from those conditions. :�

The thing is, what if the 50-year-old Datuk is genuinely in lurrrve with the 26-year-old laydee? What if she never purposely made him to be enamoured with her in the first place? What if the number 1 was impotent and could not give him children? What if this and what if that? Then what?

Or say, a nice young man is already hitched to a nice young woman. A few years later, he decides to take a second wife and she is several years older than him. Then how? Hmm? Obviously the younger but first wifey would feel enraged but then again, do you think it would make sense to her as to why her husband chose an elder laydee as his second-beloved?

I'll just push the example of our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W with his first wife Khadijah. He was 25, she was 40. Go figure.

Familiar Saying Number 2 : "Kalau jodoh tak ke mana."

I would have to apologise in advance to my non-Malay readers who can't read the language. Literally, the above saying means, if two people are really meant for each other, then they would still be together even if they were separated by a thousand seas or a million volcanoes. Hur hur hur. Okay, I added that in out of jest but you get what I mean. :�

This particular saying seems to be the most-used and most familiar amongst all the other sayings in the world. I'm too fond of using this at times, har har, such that some people might be sick of me saying it. But then again, it really does apply to our daily lives. At least, that's what I like to believe in. Sigh. And some people accuse me of being un-row-man-teak! :�

It holds a very romantic notion. You know, it's like, if you're meant for someone, you don't have to worry because in the end, you'll still end up with that someone. But you know, some people just can't wait e.g. they're too impatient and too worried that someone else might take away their someones so they start to do many things to ensure that their someones will remain their someones. :� Don't mind me, I'm just talking...!~

There are some people who wait patiently for their someones but in the end, they don't end up with them. Or there are some who fall in and out of relationships but yet, they finally get together with somebody who was right under their noses and whom they least expect to get together with. And that's life. The saying is altogether very common and widely-used but then again, the truth is, you just don't know who you're going to end up with. You can marry yes but do all marriages last as if they're made in heaven? Now now, don't start saying I'm pessimistic and all that. I'm just being realistic. I'm the romantic realist. As much as I portray the unromanticness and lower-than-low attitude, I believe I still have that burning passion and enthusiasm with me. We must lead well-balanced lives musn't we? *grin*

Ah...suddenly I am reminded by many events.

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I am still listening. *smile*

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