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11.06.2002 Tuesday morning @ 1:07 a.m.
*Taurean and proud of it*

Sounds : Gabriel - Gorecki - What Sound

Don't wonder no more. They're all from Lamb.

. . .

I am a Taurean. Taureans are stubborn people. Taureans will not do what other people tell them to do if they don't want to. Taureans will rebel even more when other people keep on telling them to do something that they simply refuse to do. Taureans hate to be opposed and the more one opposes a Taurean, the more that particular Taurean will rebel. Taureans are materialistic and simply lurrrve earthly pleasures. A rich, chocolate fudge cake is heaven to this Taurean.

Oh, and this, is just for fun, so don't trust it too much however accurate it is.

Are Taureans such bad creatures?

. . .

So don't tell me what to do or press me to do something I refuse. If I never ask for it, keep it.

. . .

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