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18.10.2002 Friday morning @ 1:36 a.m.
*No one can help except...*

Have that ELE test later at 9.30 sharp and I'm still stuck at A2. Bleah.

And I'm just in love with Ebiet G. Ade. Doesn't have an official page but here's where you can view his beautiful poetry.

Hands up those who don't have a clue who he is?

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I know I have the peculiar habit of reading other people's journals but as long as they don't mind and I'm welcome, well why not? If it's not locked, it's there to be read right? Yeah, so I'm free to read it.

When I stumble upon beautiful journals (not necessarily in terms of layout or design but perhaps significant or thoughtful writing), I get all excited and then I come back for more. That's how I get tons and tons of links that I add under my profile, so that I can return to that page without even typing it out. Simply copy and paste the link and voila! I'm there. (Or it'd be in my history and I'd have no problem accessing it.)

Sometimes there might be stuff or things that I'm not too particularly pleased about but then who am I to make un-nice comments? *smile* So I just leave quietly and don't come back, unless I make up my mind to drop by occasionally just for curiosity's sake. Well, never hurts to read once in a while. *grin*

However, there are definitely some stuff that I really, really don't like when I visit a page and I make it a point never to return. Yes well, for instance, I really don't like pop-ups and the likes. I mean, who does? Darn, they're irritating. That's why I make it a point to hover over some links first and see what's in store. Angelfire and tripod have this tendency to make their banners suddenly pop out of nowhere. And yahoo has that equally disturbing banners on their pages that require one to click on the crosses to make 'em disappear. Yucks.

And you know what else? I really don't like midi music either. I mean, you know, when you come to a page and it's all nice and artistic and suddenly you realise it's loading real slow and then WHAM! The midi plays and plays like a shrill piano. Eurgh. Spare me please. We don't need much more polluting noise than what's already existing. Darn those people. Don't they know a good tune when they hear one? I don't mind flash but midi..nooo!

Okay I'm whining. Stop me!

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The clock is ticking. Tick tock tick tock. Ten minutes to 2 am. Happy Friday y'all.

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