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15.10.2002 Tuesday night @ 11:57 p.m.
*News always gets feedback*

I want to listen to them. No special reason whatsoever. And have I mentioned that one of my cousins got married recently? At the age of 18?

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I can't remember what I wanted to write about even though I had it all perfectly laid out in my head. I thought about what I'd wanted to write when I was in school this morning, and now I've forgotten it all. Well done Suhaila. You're the klutz of the century.

In any case, one of my long-lost friends called me up yesterday night after eons of not doing so. I know that whenever she calls me, it will always have something to do with guys and such, like, you know, new boyfriend perhaps? Yeah well, I've got accustomed to that so it's no big deal. Just that, it was kinda interesting to note that her current beau happens to be a good friend of one of the persons on my list of least-liked people I've ever known. (Okay, that might sound mean but I swear, I have really really good reasons for not liking them. Period.)

To me, it's plain and simple. I don't like someone, I steer clear of them. If I'm around them, I clam up and be a big stone.

I'm not saying that there are possibilities of me meeting up with this person, but it's just that this person is real tight with my friend's guy and of course, chances of me ever bumping into her if ever I'm out with my friend+guy, is pretty much on the high side. I'm quite sure she doesn't take a fancy to me too. The feeling's mutual. Only that, I worry for my friend. She's had bad relationships and the fact that she is one helluva big mouth, is not going to help matters. Plus, she has this tendency to so-called "fall" for good/best (guy) friends and mark my words, I've seen it happen. Other people have seen it happen. Her being single(?) now will definitely complicate matters.

Oh shucks, here I am rambling again.

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Now I remember what I'd wanted to write. It's all about the feedback baybee..

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My school had a feedback session for us freshies in the course and boy, were there lots of whiners or what?

Various people lined up at the mic to give their two cents' worth of feedback and so things like language barrier, attitudes of lecturers and tutors, groupwork, coursework and assignments, even timetabling cropped up. I was a bit surprised when the timetabling bit was raised, because I'd expected these people to be more flexible in terms of thinking and behaviour.

I mean, how can you possibly blame the timetable for being lousy? Isn't it expected that a higher workload is inevitable when you are enrolled in a higher institution? Furthermore, you have to consider factors like lecturers' and tutors' timetables, venue clashes, tutorial clashes and so on. It is definitely not easy to slot in classes and lectures especially for a 900-odd cohort. Puh-lease people. Grow up. And you call yourselves mature students? Bleah.

I quite understand the difficulty faced by the MT people, especially during EED lessons. I think they are justified in bringing up the language barrier. You are spared. *grin*

However, I would like to point out just this one tiny bit on groupwork, which I thought was rather shocking, since it was raised by one of my tutorial mates whom I had an utmost respect for in terms of his knowledge and diligence.

I was very shocked when he brought up the issue on "sleeping partners" and "bad apples" because I was very certain he was referring to none other than the people in his WQ group. There were people in that group that I know personally and I can vouch that they are not the kind who would skive or "sleep" during project meetings/work. On the contrary, they are active individuals who have their own minds and are able to contribute just as well as the genius next door. They certainly do not slack (that much, unlike moi!) and they certainly have tons of ideas brimming in their heads, so I fail to see why this doe-eyed fella had the cheek to pinpoint them in the first place.

From the presentation that I had seen and the information that I had understood, this fella is one heck of a sole worker. He cannot do groupwork, he is just not able to receive people's ideas and viewpoints, he fails as a team member, and yet he dares to bring up the issue of bad apples? I understand that he's a unique individual who is competent enough to work on his own, but from what I had observed, he was basically dominating over the other members, such that they were not even given the chance to add in their own input, so how could he have accused them just now?? Dickhead.

It was such a pity NA didn't attend the feedback session. She could have stood up right there in front of the mic and slashed him back like a carving knife. That'd be nice. *grin*

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I'm off.

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