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25.11.2002 Monday night @ 11:03 p.m.

What is it with some of you reviewers? You can't spell people's names correctly, your grammar is terrible, you write with biasedness and you dare judge others by just skimming through a few entries? You call that a decent review?

I'm a reviewer myself and even though I've just started doing this sort of shit, I am well aware of how I should treat my reviewees. With respect. RESPECT. You hear me? Some of you can't even write proper English for nuts and you DARE say mean hurtful things about people's diaries?

I'm not trying to be some saviour or display myself as a victim, but I have come across some diaries that had been reviewed and when I read those reviews, I question the maturity of the reviewers. Some 15-16 year olds just cannot review. I cringe at their atrocious grammar. I'm not saying teenagers can't review. On the contrary, I think my teen reviewer here does a fantastic job and I'm sure there are other magnificent examples out there. But some teenage reviewers..gah! I'm sorry. I don't think I'm being mean. It's what I honestly see for myself. I mean, I'm sure some of you would have stumbled upon such outrageous reviewers.

I'm just pissed lar. But I'm still down so I will not change my mood.

I'm trying to deal with it.

. . .

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