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30.11.2002 Saturday afternoon @ 4:52 p.m.
*Of sense and sensibility*

A good dose of common sense is what one needs to get by in this world. Agree? No?

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I sorta gave him a good dressing down last night. There he was, doing it again. Again, again, again.

I chided him. And he appeared to have returned to his senses. Well, we shall see.

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The pay is in today. Silly 'ol me didn't even know. Ack. Quick people, check your accounts! But no bonus though. Not this month. Next month, on the 12th as usual. How much you say? I don't know.

But one-and-a-quarter is always better than just a quarter. *grin*

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A good dose of common sense is one of things that one needs to get by in this world.

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