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24.01.2003 Friday morning @ 12:22 a.m.
*Informal Observation Day*

Could have done better. *knock head* Could have done better. *knock knock head* Could have done better! *knock knock KNOCK head*

Oh well, at least it was informal. And there's more room for improvements.

I'm a first-timer. Excuse me. *meek*

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I'm so happy for Fridays. I'm glad, thankful, happy happy happy. Today had been a rather cramped day. Cramped my style that's what. Hate hate observations. Especially by the big shots. I mean like hey, being observed by the CTs isn't such a big deal to me, because I'm so used to seeing them around every single day for every single lesson for the past 3 weeks. Save when the time comes for them to observe me formally then I'll be deadmeat. Hah!

I'm beginning to switch sides. Loving my P5s more instead of the P3s and it's bothering me because I work better with the lower primary kids. I know this for a fact because I get really jumpy in the upper primary level. I had a hard time controlling upper primary girls last time, what more now? But I'm thankful, thankful to Him for making me able to control my 5E, the boys and the girls. The girls are absolute darlings, they're so nice and lovable, and the boys are obedient, surprise surprise! *giggle*

My 3E (what's with the letter 'E' aye? 2E last time) aren't exactly angels but they're younger and harder to control this time round. Maybe it's because their own form teacher didn't bother to discipline them even before I arrived. What I learnt in my psychology class was that, if the kids tend to be a little harder to control than usual, it might be attributed to their own background, the school or class environment or the teacher. *shudder* Having witnessed for myself her response to their atrocious behaviour, I'm suddenly wishing for a change in my P3 CT. Blaming her as well. Bah!

I'm trying to lick them in shape. Make them more obedient by trying out various strategies. Rewards, one-to-one talks, staring sessions, "random" student selection etc etc. Running out of strategies pretty soon, I can feel it. Although, I am thankful for having done contract teaching before. It really helps, seriously. At least I'm not so blur or dazed as I had been previously. It's more about being streetsmart than working hard. Trying to put that into practice. Learnt it the hard way.

The weeks are slipping by very quickly. Next week includes a half-day and the week after, a one-day holiday. The final week will have a one-day holiday as well on my "most packing day ever". Isn't life grand?

Hur hur.

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I think I might have been caught by a bug. I keep farting and burping. Tsk.

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