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10.03.2003 Monday evening @ 8:29 p.m.
*Potential Rival*

I can't resist doing this. Short entries are what I'm mostly capable of nowadays. Not much of the juice flowing I guess.

On another note altogether, this site is going to put me out of business! Though technically speaking I don't have a business YET..but but, it's a dream! Argh.

Joe said I can be an agent. Not the insurance kind 'cause I think I'll suck selling that. But other kinds of agents, like an advisor (to him perhaps, haha!) yada yada. Hmmm..must think of how to expand the future business. Bear in mind that my econs grade was frivolous. Oh well.

I won't just stick to Malays nor Muslims, that's for sure. Market people, market!

And I've added too many posts for the day, good evening.

. . .

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