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04.04.2003 Friday morning @ 7:04 a.m.
*I am NOT stressed..I am NOT stressed..I am NOT stressed!*

It's Friday and I've been up all night working on two assignments simultaneously. Amazing I'd completed them, alhamdulillah. And I'm not tired, well..not quite, so all praises to the Almighty. Leaving the house in an hour or so to get to school and print out these two assignments (since my printer died on me several years ago and I didn't have the moolah to get it repaired nor buy a new one) as well as work on a PowerPoint presentation for another different assignment altogether. Have to meet with my ECE girls at 11 a.m. as we have a conference with our die-hard dragon lady Dr. Chiu 15 minutes later over a piece of voluntary work, which I have yet to work on and will probably do so right after this entry. The all-important ECM quiz which carries 40% is at 2.30 p.m. and I only get to leave 3 hours later if I'm lucky and SR doesn't want to meet me over our project.

Now tell me that I'm not stressed.

. . .

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