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19.05.2003 Monday night @ 9:07 p.m.
*Engaged? Married? Wow!*

I was talking to an old friend via ICQ. In Malay but here's a rough translation for the benefit of non-Malay speaking readers.

MR : I've got something to tell you.

Me : What is it? You're getting engaged aye? *wink*

MR : Yeah, next week.

Me : Seriously? Hey, congrats! Who is he? How old is he and what does he do?

MR : J, 23 years old. He's a system analyst.

Me : You sly girl you! How long have you known him?

MR : 10 months.

(At this point in time I'm wondering why she never even told me when she first got to know him. I merely came up with the conclusion that she had wanted to be really sure that she's going to end up with him.)

Me : What's he like?

MR : Um, a very good guy.

Me : Wow..good for you girl. Congrats again!

(And I got disconnected. Damn. So well, I reconnected.)

MR : What happened? Did you get disconnected?

Me : Yeah. Sorry. Anyway, am I invited to your engagement? (I'm thick-skinned, I know.)

MR : You actually believed all that??


And yeah, I probably am too gullible.

But seriously, even if she were getting engaged, I wouldn't be that surprised. Most of my friends or some people I know are getting engaged, already engaged, getting married or already married. Hum.

I have to admit, I was shocked when I heard that some people have either gotten engaged or married. I mean, I thought they're not ready yet, given that their respective partners as well as themselves are still studying. However, I can't deny that perhaps they've met their life partners and that they wish to make the heavy commitment. All I can do is pray for them.

Anyhow, I just hope that friends notify me when they're getting engaged or married. It's just nice to know.

Ciao peeps.

. . .

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