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21.05.2003 Wednesday afternoon @ 1:16 p.m.
*Dream, dream dream dream..*

It's Alia's birthday! She's 21 on the 21st!

Um, yeah. *smiles*

. . .

Being the night owl that I am, I don't sleep at night. I sleep after Subuh (morning prayers). Yes, terrible habit, especially during hols. I get so slack. Anyway, something exciting happened (to me it was exciting, to someone else, wellll..) and I just had to call up my Fairy Godmother. At 2 in the morning, you tell me if that was a sane decision or not. Eh? *peers closely at you anonnymous readers* Eh?

So we talked but not for long 'cos we both had stomachaches and there was CSI at 2.50 am. Reruns lar! Right, and I caught some dumbass show after that, which only had me napping from 5-6.30 thereafter, after which I got up for prayers and stayed awake till 10. Yeah, I'm amazed at myself. *smirk* Continued to nap again for 2 hours after that, and it's the dream during this period that got me up in a flash. No, it wasn't scary as in with monsters or ghosts or anything like that; it was just, well..ridiculous.

Someone had invited me out for a sci-fi flick and yeah, I can tolerate Star Wars (I'm a new convert) but other things etceteras get me dizzy. Um, well it just so happened that I was late 'cos I got up late (very very familiar scene here) and I don't know why I didn't do it, but I didn't bathe. Ew. Ew. Ew. I mean, I just jumped up, put on some clothes and hurried off. How indecent! Anyhow, when I'd finally arrived, it turned out that this person had invited the previous one in a relationship and the previous one had invited a friend, who happened to be the president of the taekwando club in my college when I was a Year 2. Hmm..that was long. Right, but the previous one here is already married in real life and in the dream as well. I'm wondering, why the heck was this person invited, why was the invitation accepted and how did previous and ex-taekwando president know each other?? Gawd, so many questions. By the way, there is nothing between person who invited me and yours truly in the dream AND in real life. I might be bi for all I care. Get the joke? Oh, nevermind.

Well, the movie wasn't about to start, so I excused myself to the ladies. The females trotted along with me but they left before I did 'cos someway or another, I was bathing in the toilet. Ridiculous, I know. Only come to think of it now, it wasn't the ladies I went to, but the gents! I don't know HOW I could have been mistaken. No specs perhaps? Tsk. T'was only when I was adjusting my appearance in the mirror that 3 teenage boys came in and started to jostle for space. I'm like, hey there's so much space on that side! But nooo, they had to stand right beside me, those punks. And then they started making fun of me, and I was so pissed off, I opened up a karate chop.

How on earth did I know any karate? I have NO idea. It's a dream anyway. I gave those 3 boys hell. They emerged from the gents bruised and battered. Damn, even in my dreams I'm good.

What does this all mean anyway? I'm still wondering.

. . .

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