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12.01.2004 Monday night @ 11:14 p.m.
*Between passion and romance*

First day of the new semester. Only 6 weeks. Sigh, I'm going to miss the relaxed life. (Relaxed as opposed to filling in stoopid forms and planning ideal fictitious lessons.)


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I think I'm a half-and-a-half.

Let me explain. I'm not big on romance but I'm a sucker for passion. Eh? Does that make sense? Right, well perhaps I should include an example. If, for instance, my future husband (IF I ever get married) decided to shower me with affectations and lamentations of lurrrve, I'd probably just switch off and turn a deaf ear. However, if he decided to get me the 3-in-1 movie soundtrack of LOTR for a wedding anniversary gift, I'd lurrrve him to bits. Absolutely.

Get my drift? :p

But gee, why am I talking about this all of a sudden?? Bah! Must be due to the conversations I had earlier in the day and right about just. *grin* Two totally unrelated things but hey, now I've made them related.

Don't think I've written this long in recent times. Is this long? *think for a while* Oh well, if you got this far, I'm thanking you for being patient. An entry of sorts this is.


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