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01.02.2004 Sunday evening @ 7:06 p.m.
*Of names and such*

A friend and me were talking some time Friday night and somehow the mention of future children's names popped up. I casually said that if I had a girl, I'd give her the name of a particular girlfriend. I like the meaning of the name and I hope that by giving that name, the girl will grow up to be kind, virtuous, independent, respectful and so on like her namesake.

Then my friend wondered, what if I had a boy? To which I had no reply. I haven't really given much thought on boys. But then again, I can always give his name. :D Oh yeah, and if I had another girl (double yum), I'd probably give the real name belonging to this friend. Same spelling and all. Heh heh.

Damn it, I love girls!

. . .

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